kod klimtovog poljupca
Autor: Nebojša Čehranov
gledam u ovu ženu. vidi se da ume da pokaže svoja osećanja. ali šta vredi kad je jača od njega. jedino da im zamenim uloge pa posle da slažem, kako to inače svi slikari rade. vidi, vidi kako ona već zna da stane i pre nego sam to zamislio. stvarno je sjajna. neće mi ni trebati zlatna boja ovaj put. ako pogodim njenu pravu, zlato će samo od sebe da ispliva. ah, kako se divno uvija i otkriva smisao uvijanja. kako se predana mazi. sve moje mrtve prirode oživeše. naslikaću je u poljupcu i celoga života patiti što to nisam ja. pored nje. makar u nekoj opsadi
Chez Klimt’s Kiss
‘’I'm looking at this woman. it can be seen that she knows how to show her feelings. but what's the use when she is stronger than he. I could change their roles and then lie as painters usually do. look look she knows when to stop even before i imagined it. she's really great. i won't be needing any golden colour this time. if I hit her right one, gold will emerge to the surface by itself. oh, how wonderfully she twists revealing the true meaning of twisting. how committed she is to cuddle. all my still lives come true. I’ll paint her in a kiss and suffer my entire life for it not being me. beside her. even in some siege.